Glossary of Terms
- Anion: An ion that is negatively charged. Products with anions: Ion Air
- Atom: The basic unit of an element, a source of energy.
Bioresonance: The process of reading energy wavelengths from a cell.C
- Cascade: The process when an electron transitions between energy levels, emitting a photon each transition.
- Coherence: A quantum system's ability to exist in multiple states at the same time.
Decoherence: When an object loses its coherence and quantum properties by interacting with surroundings.E
- Far Infrared: A type of electromagnetic radiation typically between 20 GHZ and 20 THZ.
- Field: A region/area around a specific thing. Example, an electrical field is the region around a charged particle, and a magnetic field is the region around a magnetic material or moving electric charge.
- Frequency: The rate at which something happens or is repeated over a period of time. In regards to quantum physics and electricity, the "something" could be wave cycles. Example, if electromagnetic waves cycle 1 billion times per second, the frequency would be 1 gigahertz, or 1 GHZ. View our frequency collection.
- Gigahertz: One billion hertz. GHZ.
- GSM: In regards to fabric, "grams per square meter."
- Hertz: A unit of frequency. Singular-One wave cycle per second. Plural-The amount of wave cycles per second through a given point.
- Hydrogen: An odorless, colorless gas. Element #1 on periodic table. Products with hydrogen: Aqualuxe, Hydrogen Water Bottle
- Hydrogenated Water: Water infused with hydrogen. Products with hydrogenated water: Aqualuxe, Hydrogen Water Bottle
- Infrared: A type of electromagnetic radiation on the spectrum between visible light and microwave. Typically from 300 GHZ to 400 THZ and 700nm-1000nm. Products using infrared: Infrared Collection
- Ion: An electrically charged atom or group of atoms.
- Ionization: The process where an atom gains a charge by losing or gaining an electron. Products utilizing ionization: Ion Air
Joule: A unit of measure. Energy that's scattered as heat when 1 amp of current passed through 1 ohm of resistance for 1 second.
Kinetic Energy: Energy stored by an object because of its motion.
Light: Electromagnetic radiation that is visible, or makes objects visible.
- Magnetic Induction: The process of magnetizing a material or object by an external magnetic field. Products using magnetic induction: Aqualuxe
- Megahertz: 1 million hertz. MHZ.
- Molecule: Two or more atoms held together through chemical bonds.
- Near Infrared: A type of electromagnetic radiation typically between 214-400 THZ and 630nm-880nm. Products with near infrared: Aurora, GLO Face, GLO Neck, SKO Slippers, Soleil
- Negative Ion: A negatively electrically charged atom or group of atoms. Products with negative ions: Ion Air
- Optical Quartz: A material made from quartz crystal through the process of flame hydrolysis. Products with optical quartz: Innova, Novo
- Organic: In regards to a food or product, having been derived from living matter without the use of chemical agents. Products with organic components: H.I. Life Organic Spa Robe
- PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. Products with PEMF: PEMF Collection
- Photon: The smallest possible particles of energy/light that have zero rest mass, yet carry energy proportional to the frequency. Products with photon light: Paragon Demi, Paragon
Quantum: Comes from the Latin word for "how much." Typically, attaching the word Quantum to another word gives the meaning of "the smallest amount of..." Example, Quantum Physics could be defined as "the study of energy/matter at the fundamental, or smallest, level."R
- Red Light: Energy with a frequency typically in the range of 400-480THZ and 630nm-700nm. Products with red light: Red Light Collection
- Red Light Therapy: A non invasive modality using low level red light. Products with red light: Red Light Collection
- Subatomic: Smaller in size than an atom.
Uncertainty Principle: Says that some pairs of physical properties(ex. momentum & position) can not be accurately measured at the same time.
- Volt: A unit of electric potential or force. Can be considered "the ability to power something."
- Watt: A unit of power. Used to express the rate of energy transfer.
- Wave: A repeated event usually described by amplitude, wavelength, or frequency. A wave will have a peak and a trough.
- Wave Band: A specific range of wavelengths or frequencies.
- Wave Cycle: The distance from the peak of a wave to the trough.
- Wavelength: On a wave, the distance from one peak to the next peak, or one trough to the next.
X Basis Measurement: A measurement made on qubits.
Zero Effect: A phenomenon that happens when a quantum system is continuously observed, keeping it from changing or evolving.